Swagelok Tube Fitting, 3/8 MNPT to 3/8 Tubing, Stainless Steel, Male Connector, Gaugeable
PN: SS-600-1-6
This Swagelok® male connector fitting connects 3/8 inch stainless steel tubing to 3/8 inch male pipe threads (MNPT). The fitting is made of 316 stainless steel. A nut and ferrule set is included. Nut threads are silver plated to prevent galling and seizing of the fitting when tightened.
Male connectors are available for same-size pipe and tubing, or to adapt different sizes of pipe threads and tubing.
These industry standard Swagelok compression-type fittings and components are precision manufactured and offer a gas-tight, metal-on-metal seal. They are available in standard fractional tubing sizes for making up stainless steel tubing. Polished surface finishes and high purity materials virtually eliminate these fittings as a source of system contamination.
They can be used for any fluid flow application and provide leak-tight service from vacuum to positive pressure. These fittings offer consistent gaugeability upon initial installation and are easy to disconnect and retighten reliably.
The two-ferrule design of these fittings are easy to install and no torque is transmitted to the tubing during installation. The two ferrules separate sealing and tube gripping functions; each ferrule is optimized for its function. Available Swagelok gap inspection gauges assure sufficient pull-up upon initial installation.
Swagelok tube fitting ends are rated to the working pressure of tubing as listed in the Swagelok
Tubing Data PDF, available to the side at Downloads.
Swagelok-TM Swagelok Company