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Viton Rebuild Kit for CF 2.125 and KF 25 Manual Butterfly Valves

Viton Rebuild Kit for CF 2.125 and KF 25 Manual Butterfly Valves.

This maintenance kit contains easy-to-replace viton seals for your CF 2.125/KF25 Ideal Vacuum Products Manual Butterfly Valve. Viton seals are generally rugged, however, heavy mechanical and chemical exposure may cause wear over time. Our easy-to-service valve design makes replacement of these seals fast and simple. Included within are Viton seals, set screw, and vented valve fastening screws.

Compared to most other elastomers, Viton is better able to withstand high temperature, while simultaneously retaining its good mechanical properties. Oil and chemical resistance are also essentially unaffected by elevated temperatures. Compounds of Viton remain substantially elastic indefinitely when exposed to laboratory air oven aging up to 204°C (399°F) or to intermittent exposures up to 316°C (601°F). Viton low temperature performance is dependent on type, with serviceability as low as -31°C (-24 °F) in dynamic seals and -45°C (-49°F) in static seals using Viton GLT-S. Viton is characterized by its:

  • Resistance to degradation by a greater variety of fluids and chemicals than any other non-fluorinated elastomer. Excellent resistance to oils, fuels, lubricants, and most mineral acids.
  • Extremely low permeability to a broad range of substances, including particularly good performance in oxygenated automotive fuels.
  • Resistance to aliphatic, aromatic hydrocarbons that dissolve other rubbers.
  • Exceptionally good resistance to compression set, even at high temperatures.
  • Exceptionally good resistance to atmospheric oxidation, and excellent resistance to fungus and mold.
  • Good electrical properties in low voltage, low frequency applications.
  • Low burning characteristics; inherently more resistant to burning than other, non-fluorinated hydrocarbon rubbers.
Generally, Viton exhibits outstanding resistance to attack from a wide variety of fluids, including mineral acids, and aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Please download the service manual for detailed instructions for rebuilding the valve.

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5910 Midway Park Blvd NE,
Albuquerque, NM 87109-5805

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