Keyword Ideal Spectroscopy Part Number Manufacturer Part Number
This Agilent TwisTorr 74-FS turbo vacuum pump package deal is ideal for laboratory applications. The package deal includes an Agilent Varian TwistTorr 74-FS turbo pump with ISO-K 63 inlet flange, with a pumping speed of 60 l/s, KF-16 foreline flange, and an inlet screen. This 74 FS turbo pump has a start-up time of less than 2 minutes, has a maximum rotational speed of 70,000 rpm, and has Agilent part number X3508-64001. The dry scroll IDP-3 or IDP-7 is the recommended foreline pump. This deal includes the TwisTorr 74FS AG remote controller with 120V mains power cable (NEMA 5-15P plug). The controller has an attached 5 m long cable which connects to and powers the pump. The controller has RS232/485 serial communication, and dedicated 24 VDC outputs for powering an air-cooling fan, vent valve, and pressure gauge. The controller can be rack or benchtop mounted. This package deal also includes a radially-mounted, forced air-cooling kit with 5 m long extension cable for connection to the controller. A water-cooled version is available upon request. This turbo pump package deal does not include the roughing pump, roughing lines, vacuum chamber, pressure measurement gauges, or vent valves, all of which are available and sold separately by Ideal Vacuum. This package deal is stored in our inventory as a kit, made up of many separate parts, and each is listed in our
Condition: New
Product Number: P1012547
Price: $7,015.18
*Regular Price: $9,609.84
This Agilent TwisTorr 74-FS turbo vacuum pump package deal is ideal for laboratory applications. The package deal includes an Agilent Varian TwistTorr 74-FS turbo pump with Conflat CF 2.75" inlet flange, with a pumping speed of 50 l/s, KF-16 foreline flange, and an inlet screen. This 74 FS turbo pump has a start-up time of less than 2 minutes, has a maximum rotational speed of 70,000 rpm, and has Agilent part number X3502-64173. The dry scroll IDP-3 or IDP-7 is the recommended foreline pump. This deal includes the TwisTorr 74FS AG remote controller with 120V mains power cable (NEMA 5-15P plug). The controller has an attached 5 m long cable which connects to and powers the pump. The controller has RS232/485 serial communication, and dedicated 24 VDC outputs for powering an air-cooling fan, vent valve, and pressure gauge. The controller can be rack or benchtop mounted. This package deal also includes a radially-mounted, forced air-cooling kit with 5 m long extension cable for connection to the controller. A water-cooled version is available upon request. This turbo pump package deal does not include the roughing pump, roughing lines, vacuum chamber, pressure measurement gauges, or vent valves, all of which are available and sold separately by Ideal Vacuum. This package deal is stored in our inventory as a kit, made up of many separate parts, and each is listed in our
Condition: New
Product Number: P1012548
Price: $7,090.98
*Regular Price: $9,713.67
This Agilent TwisTorr 74-FS turbo vacuum pump package deal is ideal for laboratory applications. The package deal includes an Agilent Varian TwistTorr 74-FS turbo pump with Conflat CF 4.5" inlet flange, with a pumping speed of 60 l/s, KF-16 foreline flange, and an inlet screen. This 74 FS turbo pump has a start-up time of less than 2 minutes, has a maximum rotational speed of 70,000 rpm, and has Agilent part number X3502-64172. The dry scroll IDP-3 or IDP-7 is the recommended foreline pump. This deal includes the TwisTorr 74FS AG remote controller with 120V mains power cable (NEMA 5-15P plug). The controller has an attached 5 m long cable which connects to and powers the pump. The controller has RS232/485 serial communication, and dedicated 24 VDC outputs for powering an air-cooling fan, vent valve, and pressure gauge. The controller can be rack or benchtop mounted. This package deal also includes a radially-mounted, forced air-cooling kit with 5 m long extension cable for connection to the controller. A water-cooled version is available upon request. This turbo pump package deal does not include the roughing pump, roughing lines, vacuum chamber, pressure measurement gauges, or vent valves, all of which are available and sold separately by Ideal Vacuum. This package deal is stored in our inventory as a kit, made up of many separate parts, and each is listed in our
Condition: New
Product Number: P1012549
Price: $7,135.45
*Regular Price: $9,774.59
This Agilent TwisTorr 74-FS turbo vacuum pump package deal with dry scroll roughing pump is ideal for laboratory applications. The package deal includes an Agilent Varian TwistTorr 74-FS turbo pump with ISO-K 63 inlet flange, with a pumping speed of 60 l/s, KF-16 foreline flange, and an inlet screen. This 74 FS turbo pump has a start-up time of less than 2 minutes, has a maximum rotational speed of 70,000 rpm, and has Agilent part number X3508-64001. This package deal includes an IPD-3 dry scroll backing pump and a 120V mains power cable (NEMA 5-15P plug). The IDP-3 has a peak pumping speed of 2.1cfm (3.6 m/h) at 60 Hz, produces an ultimate pressure of 250 mTorr, and is extremely quiet (
Condition: New
Product Number: P1012551
Price: $9,984.86
*Regular Price: $13,313.14
This Agilent TwisTorr 74-FS turbo vacuum pump package deal with dry scroll roughing pump is ideal for laboratory applications. The package deal includes an Agilent Varian TwistTorr 74-FS turbo pump with Conflat CF 2.75" inlet flange, with a pumping speed of 50 l/s, KF-16 foreline flange, and an inlet screen. This 74 FS turbo pump has a start-up time of less than 2 minutes, has a maximum rotational speed of 70,000 rpm, and has Agilent part number X3502-64173. This package deal includes an IPD-3 dry scroll backing pump and a 120V mains power cable (NEMA 5-15P plug). The IDP-3 has a peak pumping speed of 2.1cfm (3.6 m/h) at 60 Hz, produces an ultimate pressure of 250 mTorr, and is extremely quiet (
Condition: New
Product Number: P1012552
Price: $10,062.73
*Regular Price: $13,416.97
This Agilent TwisTorr 74-FS turbo vacuum pump package deal with dry scroll roughing pump is ideal for laboratory applications. The package deal includes an Agilent Varian TwistTorr 74-FS turbo pump with Conflat CF 4.5" inlet flange, with a pumping speed of 60 l/s, KF-16 foreline flange, and an inlet screen. This 74 FS turbo pump has a start-up time of less than 2 minutes, has a maximum rotational speed of 70,000 rpm, and has Agilent part number X3502-64172. This package deal includes an IPD-3 dry scroll backing pump and a 120V mains power cable (NEMA 5-15P plug). The IDP-3 has a peak pumping speed of 2.1cfm (3.6 m/h) at 60 Hz, produces an ultimate pressure of 250 mTorr, and is extremely quiet (
Condition: New
Product Number: P1012553
Price: $10,108.42
*Regular Price: $13,477.89