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Pfeiffer 2005SD XP Explosion Proof Motor Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump - 1 Phase 115/220 VAC - Alcatel Adixen & Pascal

Pfeiffer 2005SD XP, Explosion Proof Motor, Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump. Prepared for hydrocarbon Oil, set to 115 VAC, Class I, Group D, Class II, Group F & G, Division I, NEMA.
Pfeiffer Part Number: 205SDMLAM-XP.

These Pfeiffer 2005SD XP Explosion Proof Standard Pascal vacuum pumps include an explosion proof motor and are specially prepared for operation with standard hydrocarbon vacuum pump oil. These vacuum pumps are recommended when pumping air, nitrogen, water vapor or other inert or non reactive gasses. These Adixen Alcatel 2005SD XP hydrocarbon oil prepared rotary vane vacuum pumps have an excellent ultimate pressure down to 1x10-3 Torr and are commonly used for, backing turbomolecular pumps, backing diffusion pumps, backing roots pumps, refrigeration system evacuation, epoxy degassing, backing mass spectrometers, freeze drying, vacuum centrifugal applications, space research, and other vacuum processes. These Adixen Alcatel 2005 XP standard series vacuum pumps have a high pumping speed displacement of 3.8 CFM and require 1-Phase 110/230 VAC 60 Hz input power.

These Pfeiffer 2005SD XP Pascal vacuum pumps can be fitted with a variety of optional accessories. These include Oil Mist Filters and Traps. These SD XP vacuum pumps are new, typically stocked in inventory, and ship with manufacturers 1-year factory direct warranty. Parts, oil, and all optional accessories for these pumps are located for easy purchase on this website. The complete operating and instructions manual can be downloaded in PDF format below.

Explosion Proof Motor Specifications (XP Class, Group, & Division)
  • Class I, Group D
  • Class II, Group F & G
  • Division I

Typical Customer Applications That Are In Class I Environments (Flammable Gases & Vapors) Include:
  • Spray painting and finishing areas
  • Utility gas plants
  • Petroleum refining plants
  • Petroleum dispensing locations
  • Dry cleaning facilities
  • Dip tanks containing combustible or flammable fluids
  • Plant facilities extracting solvents
  • Inhalation anesthetic areas
  • Process facilities manufacturing or using nitro-cellulose (class II as well).
  • Aircraft hangars and fuel servicing areas.
  • Gas stations.

Typical Customer Applications That Are In Class II Environments (Combustible Dust) Include:
  • Flour mills.
  • Feed mills.
  • Grain elevators and grain handling facilities.
  • Fire work plants and storage areas.
  • Aluminum manufacturing and storage areas.
  • Magnesium manufacturing and storage areas.
  • Coal preparation and handling facilities.
  • Starch manufacturing and storage areas.
  • Confectionary plants.
  • Pulverized sugar and cocoa manufacturing plants. Packaging and storage plants.
  • Spice grinding and storage plants.

These explosion proof XP rotary vane vacuum pumps include an electrically sealed explosion proof motor. These explosion-proof motors are designed to limit the chance a spark from inside the motor could travel outward to ignite air born flammable vapors or materials in the laboratory where the pump is operating. Explosion proof vacuum pumps are typically needed in applications where flammable materials may accidentally leak into the room air where these pumps are used. Explosion Proof vacuum pumps are NOT designed to evacuate vapors and gas mixtures which are explosive if ignited.

When the vacuum pump is used to pump flammable gases you must keep a closed air tight system by:
  • Not opening the gas ballast, opening the gas ballast could cause air (O2) to enter the pump.
  • Ensuring the foreline inlet and exhaust outlet are leak tight to avoid flammable gas leakage into the atmosphere or air (O2) from entering the pump housing.
  • Using only an inert gas like Nitrogen (N2) at the gas ballast to purge or dilute harmful gases being pumped.

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PDF Logo Pfeiffer Pascal Series Rotary Vane Pumps Operating Instructions.pdf

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Ideal Spectroscopy
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE,
Albuquerque, NM 87109-5805

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