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Burst Disk KF-40 Flange, Ultra High Vacuum, Pressure Relief to Atmosphere, Rated 8.55 to 9.0 psi(g) at 72 F

Burst Disk KF40 Flange, Ultra High Vacuum, Pressure Relief to Atmosphere, Rated 8.55 to 9.0 psi(g) at 72 F
Safety Vent Burst Disk For Vacuum Chamber Over Pressure Production (UHV Rated)

These vacuum system burst disks provide a safety pressure relief pathway in case of an accidental vacuum chamber overpressure event (these burst disks are rated at 8.55 to 9.0 psi(g) and 72 °F having KF40 flange). They are an all metal sealed devices rated for ultra-high vacuum (UHV) applications being designed to protect the vacuum chamber and the system’s operator. The burst disk is made of a thin metal foil diaphragm which is pushed back into a ring of spikes causing the disk to rupture allowing for an instant pressure relief pathway. Vacuum chambers are designed to handle the load of atmospheric pressure forcing inward on the chamber. They are not designed to handle positive internal pressure above atmosphere where components, such as, flanges, viewports, compression ports, and others can rupture causing a risk of injury. The specifications for these burst disks are: UHV compatible all metal construction, pressure relief range 8.55 to 9.0 psi(g) PSIG at 72 °F, leak tight to 2x10-10 std. cc/sec of Helium, 316 stainless steel body and disk membrane, and bakeable to 450 °C.

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Ideal Spectroscopy offers 3D CAD models in Solidworks (SLDPRT), STP, & STEP formats. For those without CAD software a free trial 3D model viewer with measurement capabilities can be downloaded here:

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E-drawing LogoeDrawings Viewer For MAC.

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Ideal Spectroscopy
5910 Midway Park Blvd NE,
Albuquerque, NM 87109-5805

Phone: (505) 872-0037
Fax: (505) 872-9001

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