Agilent Varian TriScroll 600 Oil-Free Dry Scroll Vacuum Pumps PTS06001UNIV
This Agilent Varian 600 Triscroll dry scroll vacuum pump is designed for high reliability with a 17.7 CFM pumping speed and an ultimate pressure of 7x10-3 Torr. The Agilent Varian Triscroll pumps produce oil-free vacuum at high speed and low ultimate pressure. The unique patented TriScroll features proven reliability and durability leading to superior cost of ownership and consistent performance. Applications include: Scanning
Electron Microscopes, Primary backing pump for turbo systems, General purpose laboratory applications, Beam Lines, Drying Ovens, Load Locks and Transfer Chambers, Cryogenics, Manufacturing/Glove Box Enclosers, Leak Detection. These Agilent Varian 600 Triscroll vacuum pumps have product number PTS06001UNIV, operate on 1 Ph, 100-120 or 208-230 VAC, and are brand new under full warranty.