Varian Agilent XGS-600 I/O Cable with Flying Leads, 25 foot Length, R32493025
Varian Agilent XGS-600 I/O Cable with Flying Leads, 25 foot Length. Agilent Varian Part Number R32493025.

Varian Agilent XGS-600 I/O Cable with Flying Leads, 25 foot Length. This is the cable only all gauges and controllers sold separately on this website.

Can be used with the following Varian Controllers:

  • XGS-600 Controller

Product: Varian Agilent XGS-600 I/O Cable with Flying Leads, 25 foot Length, R32493025
Condition:      New
Warranty:     Varian Warranty
Part Number: P104132
Price: $237.14